How to Seek Professional Help

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Teen Help

If your child exhibits any of the following characteristics, then professional help is highly recommended.

 If your child is a danger to himself/herself.
 If your child is a danger to others.
 If your child's functioning level is impaired due to a mental disorder.
 If your child exhibits a pattern of aggressive, assaultive, or destructive behavior.
 If your child engages in a pattern of behavior that is dangerous or illegal.
 If your child has a substance abuse problem.
 If your child's behavior is detrimental to the family.
 If your child complains of seeing or hearing things that are not real.
 If your child expresses paranoid or delusional beliefs (bizarre thought processes).
 If your child appears depressed or suicidal.


 contacting the school psychologist at your child's school
 calling your local mental health center
 using the yellow pages to locate a treatment center or psychiatric hospital
 looking for services in the blue pages of your phone book
 calling your child's pediatrician
 calling a hotline
 joining a support group
 calling the police, if necessary


What is your professional training and degree?
How much training and experience do you have working with children and adolescents?
What are your theoretical views (your approach)?
How would you handle misbehavior in your office?
Do you usually see the child individually or with the family?
How frequently will you meet with my child?
How long will the sessions last?
What is the cost of each session? Does insurance cover the cost?
What happens if I have to cancel an appointment?
Will you be coming to my home to see my child in his environment?
Will you be working with my child's school?
What happens if there is a crisis with my child?
Do you have access to crisis intervention services?
What are your office hours? Can you be reached outside of the office?